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Employee Services >
Pay Information
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Employee Services

Pay Information

Direct Deposit      Earnings History      Pay Stub     Deductions History

A. Pay Information Menu
Employee Services > Pay Information - provides access to your pay and deduction information; including Direct Deposits, Earnings History, Pay Stubs and Deductions:

pay info

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B. Direct Deposit Breakdown
Pay Information > Direct Deposit Breakdown - Displays the bank accounts and amounts of any Direct Deposit made at your financial institution for the current pay:

pay info

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C. Earnings History
Pay Information > Earnings History - Provides your earning totals and subtotals for any selected time interval. First select the date range for the earnings you want to view:

select a date for pay info

Click the down arrows to select the period of earnings that you want to view and then click the Display button to the display the screen below, showing earning types and total hours and gross pay for that type for that period:

pay info

Click on any of the Earnings Types listed to see the Gross Pay and Hours for each month in that period.

Click the New Date Range link at the bottom of the above screen to select a new date range of earnings history.

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D. Pay Stub
Pay Information > Pay Stub - Allows you to view and print out pay stubs when you need proof-of-earnings documentation.

Click the down arrow in the screen shown above to select the Pay Stub Year and then click the Display button to open the next window that lists the Pay Stubs available for each Pay Date of that year.

Click the Change Year link at the bottom of the page to view the Pay Stub list for a different year.

Click on any of the Pay Stub Dates in the screen shown above to display the Pay Stub Detail for that pay period, which will open the following screen, providing you with information about the gross amount for that pay period, personal deductions, net amount, employer contributions, direct deposit, hours and rate of pay for each position:

pay stub detail
benefits and deductions

Click the Pay Stubs link at the bottom of the page to view the stubs for other pay periods.

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E. Deductions History
Pay Information > Deductions History - Provides totals, subtotals and individual paycheck deduction amounts for any time interval you want to view. Select the year you want to view:

Click the down arrows to select the desired date range and then click the Display button.

pay info

The next screen lists a summary of Deduction Types, Employee Deductions and Employer Deductions for each month of that selected period:

pay info

Click the New Date Range link at the bottom of the page to view the Deduction History for a different date range.

Click any of the Deduction Types on the screen shown above to view its detailed history, like the one shown in the screen below:

pay info

To view a different time period, click the down arrows to change the date range at the bottom of the page and click the Display button.

To return to the Deductions History summary page, click the Deduction Summary link at the bottom of the page.

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